Over five rounds of data collection, Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq turned the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s eight criteria for a durable solution into measurable indicators fielded in quantitative surveys. The findings highlighted below represent some of these key indicators. These findings generalize to the population of Iraqi IDP households who fled one of seven governorates of origin to Baghdad, Basra, Kirkuk, and Sulaymaniyah between January 2014 and December 2015 and who have remained in the same district of displacement since Round 1 of the study. More data, findings, and in-depth discussions of IDP households’ progress in accessing durable solutions can be found in yearly and topical thematic reports.
Quotes from the qualitative interviews from the respective rounds illustrate the key quantitative findings in each criterium. Hover over numbers shaded with orange to read the quotes.
In graphs with more than one category, isolate one or more categories by either:
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
* Includes access to housing, food and water, health care, and education
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
* Includes sending children to work, limiting medical care, selling assets and property, and other
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
* Not shown: private job, pension, other, and no source. For more information, please see 'Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq: Unpacking the Policy Implications' (October 2020).
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
* Includes hosted by others or in unfinished building, religious building, hotel, and school or other government building
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
* Among those who reported having lost documents
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
* Data from Round 4
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018
* Data from Round 4
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
* Includes sending children to work, limiting medical care, selling assets and property, and other
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020
IOM Iraq and Georgetown University
Access to Durable Solutions Among IDPs in Iraq
Round 1: March-May 2016, Round 2: February-April 2017, Round 3: July-September 2017, Round 4: August-November 2018, Round 5: October 2019-January 2020